Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Creative Ad to "Barbie Doll"

Internet Ad for blind dating: "Come find you're true love here through our dating ad!"
Here is an ad from Clarissa...
I am 5'8".
118 is my weight.
My eyes are blue.
I have blond hair too.
I love to chat.
I am deathly allergic to cats.
My body has an hourglass figure.
Do NOT try to give me liquor.
I am naturally tan.
Just try to hold my hand.
I am kind and patient.
Blind dates can make me feel humiliation.
I am NOT just beautiful on the outside;
but I am also, beautiful on the inside.
My looks are NOT at all what you expect.
I am NOT perfect!
So give me a call;
we'll have a ball;
because I look like a Barbie Doll!


Charlotte Wright said...

I really like this interpretation of this poem, I didn't really think of how an online dating description could be as fun, informative, and written in a literary form like poetry without seeming odd or sappy.

Brittany said...

It was very creative that you chose to write an ad for online dating. This ad is a great description of the girl in the poem.

Erinn said...

How fun! I think this is a very fitting response to the poem "Barbie Doll." The quirky tone this poem uses and it's great descriptions really paint a vivid picture of this poor girl who is trying to find love:)