Friday, March 21, 2008


"New Friends and Old Friends"- Jospeh Parry; "I Carry Your Heart"- E.E. Cummings; "I Would Have"- Annyomous; "Barbie Doll"- Margie Piercy; Book: "Love You Forever"- Robert Munsch; Song: "My Generation"- Emerson Hart
Song: "My Generation"- Emerson Hart
I love this song because it is the theme song to one of my favorite shows called "American Dreams. The reason it means so much to me is the show was set back in to 1960's and I love history. The song introduces the show and bascially sums up what everything is about on the show. It talks about the generation and I can relate to the song now because the song says 'this is my generation' which means to me live my life and do not take things for granted.
"I Would Have"- Annyomous
This poem speaks to me directly because it was written for me by someone who once was very special to me. They asked if I could not use his name which is fine. The words in the poem describe exactly how he were feelings towards me and vice versa. I love it because it was written for me and I would never take back anything I had with this person.

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