Sunday, January 13, 2008

Critical Response to "Sonny's Blues"

The short story "Sonny's Blues" basically, describes the integrity in a person. How one person can change everything. Sonny had a real tough childhood. He took life for granted and did not care who he was affecting including his older brother. Sonny never had a plan for his future. He just went with his life as it was happening. he pushed people away that wanted to help him which was his older brother.
Living in the projects as an African-American in Harlem is no walk in the park. That is why Sonny has such a stand off personality. He can not trust anyone accept his music. He relies on his music to get him through anything. Sonny plays his music to escape his life. Sonny is a different person when he is playing his piano. He is intrigued with the person he becomes when his fingers touch the keys.
Sonny's father was a serious man. Throughout Sonny's childhood his father taught him that life is dangerous and that nothing in this world is safe. His father makes it clear to Sonny and his older brother in the story when he says, "Safe, hell! Ain't no place safe for kids, nor nobody." To Sonny, it sent a message that one should trust no one. His father was stubborn and wanted to move away from the projects probably because he was afraid. When Sonny's life was not going well he ran away from his problems. For instance he started to be a musician and use his music as an escape route, joined the navy, became addicted to drugs and then was sent to jail for using drugs. he never let anyone get close to him that is why he did the things he did.
Sonny's mother told his older brother to make sure always watch Sonny because he needs someone to trust. But his older brother tried and Sonny kept putting up his guard of lack of trust for others. One evening, Sonny finally became vulnerable towards his older brother. He specifically made it clear to his brother by saying, "And other times- well, I needed a fix, I needed to clear a space to listen- and I couldn't find it, and I- went crazy, I did things to me, I was terrible for me." Then Sonny asked his brother if he wanted to go see him play his piano at a bar later that night. His brother agreed but was not looking forward to it. When he finally saw Sonny take the stage he realized that this was Sonny's calling, what Sonny was good at and what Sonny wanted for himself. Sonny's brother could not have bee more happier for his brother.


Erinn said...

Good work here! Integrity is such an interesting theme to explore, and I think it certainly is a theme evident in this story. Your response does a nice job of exploring the story's setting and how this place affected the characters' behaviors and relationships.

Should you choose to revise this piece into a larger project, you might think of how to develop the concept of "integrity." Does it hold the same meaning for all the characters? How do different characters react to their life situations, their relationships? Is there one key passage in the story where a character specifically exhibits this trait of integrity?
Good work! -Erinn

accessible6 said...

In my opinion I think you did really well talking about sonny's life. I think no one should have to in this kind of a situation. When people get into this kind of a situation I believe they don't know how to act and live their life from day to day. I think you did a great job explaining what happened to Sonny's during his life. Great Job!!