Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Opinion to "A Good Man Is Hard To Find"

In all honesty, I believe a good man is really hard to find. There are only a few good men left in our world. I am not trying to be bitter but maybe it is because it is true, I also have been hurt by men in my past. But I am not saying that there is not any good men left there is just not a lot of them to spare. Like, considering the Misfit. When the grandmother tried to talk some sense into the Misfit he did not want to hear it. The Misfit fits under the category of a truly evil bad man. He has no idea how to embrace life. I believe the Misfit choose to be unhappy and I aslo believe that you choose your happiness for youself. He chooses to be unhappy so he takes it out on innocent people. The family the Misfit killed had no right to die they were living life. Like, for instance they were on their way to go to Florida to vacation. The Misfit seemed like he had a respectable childhood; his parents seemed to raise him better than he had turned out to be. I think, being shot is the most tragic way to die. Also, the Misfit had no right to take away an innocent life/lives. This is why the Misfit is not a only a bad man but a horrible person; no remorse for nothing and no one. It is sad to live your life the way the Misfit has. Why is he acting the way he is towards this family and just his life in general?

1 comment:

Erinn said...

You raise some great (but difficult) questions..."Why is he acting the way he is towards this family and just his life in general?" I hope we can discuss this in class!

I also think you bring up an interesting point in saying that a good man really is hard to find! I'm really curious about that phrase: a good man. What does it mean? If I walked around and asked some random people to define "a good man," I wonder what kind of answers I'd receive...would any of them be close to O'Connor's vision in her story?