Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Creative/Opinion to "The Management of Grief"

I was not a big fan of this short story. I felt like things were missing from this story. The main character, Shaila I felt was not very descriptive narrator. I felt like the story was here then there and not very a good explanation of what was happening throughout this particular story. I just think it should have been more detailed. It did not hold my attention very well. It was not my favorite short story and I think it should have been more interesting. I felt like she had no feelings and was just there. Shaila really was not very sensitive when her family died and I just think that is the most selfish and self-centered thing that anyone can do when a family member dies. The story really had no meaning behind it, but that is just my opinion.

1 comment:

emily said...

Like you, I wasn't impressed with this short story. Not only was the narrator not very descriptive, but I felt like she wasn't that informative and I was easily confused. It then lost my attention very quickly, and was hard to get back into. After being confused and bored, I couldn't really see a meaning to the story either.