Friday, March 21, 2008


"New Friends and Old Friends"- Jospeh Parry; "I Carry Your Heart"- E.E. Cummings; "I Would Have"- Annyomous; "Barbie Doll"- Margie Piercy; Book: "Love You Forever"- Robert Munsch; Song: "My Generation"- Emerson Hart
Song: "My Generation"- Emerson Hart
I love this song because it is the theme song to one of my favorite shows called "American Dreams. The reason it means so much to me is the show was set back in to 1960's and I love history. The song introduces the show and bascially sums up what everything is about on the show. It talks about the generation and I can relate to the song now because the song says 'this is my generation' which means to me live my life and do not take things for granted.
"I Would Have"- Annyomous
This poem speaks to me directly because it was written for me by someone who once was very special to me. They asked if I could not use his name which is fine. The words in the poem describe exactly how he were feelings towards me and vice versa. I love it because it was written for me and I would never take back anything I had with this person.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In Class Work

The look of a person
With extemely
Bad acne.

Edited Walt Whitman poem "Song About Myself":
I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself, I love and invite my soul, 
I lean and love at my ease.
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Every atom of my blood, transformed from this soil, this air.

Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their 
parents the same. Brought down here from God to live a life to be at my fulliest. 
I, now twenty years old in perfect health begin, 
Hoping to cease life, until death.

I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard, 
Nature without check with original energy. Continue to grasp and hold life for what it is and what it shouldn’t be.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"New Friends and Old Friends" by: Joseph Parry
This poem has been my favorite for a long time. I have moved a lot throughout my childhood and this describes how I have kept my old friends but still have made new friends. I also like it because it describes friendship and how a friendship is in reality. The words in the poem are very sincere and descriptive and it is very touching.
"I Carry Your Heart With Me" by: E.E. Cummings
I love this poem because it makes me think of my sister. This poem was read in the movie "In Her Shoes" and the movie was a about two sisters and their relationship with each other. Basically, the poem as well as the movie made me think of me and my sisters relationship with each other. It is a very moving, touching and heart-warming poem. I always think of my sister when I read it. When I do read it the poem always puts a smile on my face and it is what means the most to me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Opinion Response to "Marks"

I really liked this poem because it had meaning behind it and made sense to me. The poem in this poem was sick of her family; daughter,son and husband being selfish and unappreciative so she did exactly what I would have done gave up until they realized what they had was awesome. This is coming from the mother's perspective but it seems to be sincerely true of her family. I would never want to be rated or graded by my family. She is a mother not a student. In all honesty, she did the right thing by giving up on her family. I guess in a way one could say she is taking a strike from being a mother for a while. I believe sometimes in life if you love something so much let it go but if it comes back to you it's yours and the mother did just that.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Creative Ad to "Barbie Doll"

Internet Ad for blind dating: "Come find you're true love here through our dating ad!"
Here is an ad from Clarissa...
I am 5'8".
118 is my weight.
My eyes are blue.
I have blond hair too.
I love to chat.
I am deathly allergic to cats.
My body has an hourglass figure.
Do NOT try to give me liquor.
I am naturally tan.
Just try to hold my hand.
I am kind and patient.
Blind dates can make me feel humiliation.
I am NOT just beautiful on the outside;
but I am also, beautiful on the inside.
My looks are NOT at all what you expect.
I am NOT perfect!
So give me a call;
we'll have a ball;
because I look like a Barbie Doll!

Response to "Wedding Ring"

The poem the Wedding Ring was surprising and was not what anyone would expect. One would think that this would be about a wedding and what the ring means behind the relationship. But it was not like that at all. The author, Denise Levertov describes this poem as a divorce and end of a relationship. It really was not dramtic at all and the woman in the poem told her story/poem to be remorseful. Some poems can be sappy and one would wan tto feel pitty for that person. But with the Wedding Ring it is based on the woman getting rid of her ring and everything that went along with her dissovled realtionship. At the end of the poem she says she still wants a friendship out of it; in a way she is trying to make the best out of it with a broken heart. It is all a person can do is to move forward with their life instead of dread on a relationship that is no longer there. The poem is beautifully written and makes a statement for other sappy love poems, which means it was simple and easy to understand.