Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Opinion to "A Good Man Is Hard To Find"

In all honesty, I believe a good man is really hard to find. There are only a few good men left in our world. I am not trying to be bitter but maybe it is because it is true, I also have been hurt by men in my past. But I am not saying that there is not any good men left there is just not a lot of them to spare. Like, considering the Misfit. When the grandmother tried to talk some sense into the Misfit he did not want to hear it. The Misfit fits under the category of a truly evil bad man. He has no idea how to embrace life. I believe the Misfit choose to be unhappy and I aslo believe that you choose your happiness for youself. He chooses to be unhappy so he takes it out on innocent people. The family the Misfit killed had no right to die they were living life. Like, for instance they were on their way to go to Florida to vacation. The Misfit seemed like he had a respectable childhood; his parents seemed to raise him better than he had turned out to be. I think, being shot is the most tragic way to die. Also, the Misfit had no right to take away an innocent life/lives. This is why the Misfit is not a only a bad man but a horrible person; no remorse for nothing and no one. It is sad to live your life the way the Misfit has. Why is he acting the way he is towards this family and just his life in general?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Creative/Opinion to "A Rose For Emily"

In this short story there were a lot of literary terms like foreshadowing and irony. When the short story started off the towns people discussed of a smell inside Emily's home. They took it to the Board of Alderman to have someone go in and physically take away the horrible smell. When someone from the Board of Alderman said, "It's simple enough... send her word to have the place cleaned up." This I believe foreshadowed the story because she had a dead body living in her home that was why her house smelled so badly. So basically the towns people got rid of the smell but in the end they really did not because they contaminated it by putting lime around the perimeter of her home. It came to the towns people that they should have just looked all throughout the home before they came to contaminate Miss Emily's home.
Another literary term that was used was irony. Emily went to the drugstore to buy something piousness. She claimed she had "rats" in her home. Emily steps up to the counter and said, "I want some poison." Then the druggist says back, "Yes, Miss Emily. What kind? For rats and such, I recom-" She then started staring and says, "I want arsenic... for rats!" What is ironic about this part in the story is that the real reason as to why she was purchasing rat poison was not to use it for rats she did not even have rats in her home. She bought the arsenic to poison Homer Barron her secret lover. Even though she poisoned and killed him in the end she still would always have love for him, until the day she died.

Response to "A Rose For Emily"

This short story was not a sane story. For starters, Emily the main character was mentally, physically and emotionally human. Although, her father made her completely out casted from reality. Emily's father did not want her growing up. But she felt obligated to love him even after he died. He was good to her and after his death she never had to pay taxes. This is why she was excluded from the real world She had no idea what taxes were. He never let Emily love another man besides him. He especially never let her get married off. After Emily's father passed the towns people became of her suspicious ways to the outside world. When the towns people said "We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will." Basically, Emily's father robbed her of her happiness to love anyone other than him. Back then in the late 1800's and early 1900's it was likely that a woman fall in love, get married and start a family when they neared their early
20's. So when the towns people noticed that Emily entering her early thirties was not married off yet they knew that there is something terribly wrong with the Griersons. The people of the town knew that it was a travesty when Emily had not been married by the age of thirty. The towns people quoted "so when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldn't have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized." What the towns people meant by this quote is even though most of the Griersons were crazy they still should have told Emily and made it very clear to her that it is okay to love and have feelings; everyone gets hurt now and again but that is life. This is why the father of Emily stood in the way of Emily's affection to love another man.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Creative/Opinion to "The Management of Grief"

I was not a big fan of this short story. I felt like things were missing from this story. The main character, Shaila I felt was not very descriptive narrator. I felt like the story was here then there and not very a good explanation of what was happening throughout this particular story. I just think it should have been more detailed. It did not hold my attention very well. It was not my favorite short story and I think it should have been more interesting. I felt like she had no feelings and was just there. Shaila really was not very sensitive when her family died and I just think that is the most selfish and self-centered thing that anyone can do when a family member dies. The story really had no meaning behind it, but that is just my opinion.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Creative Poem to "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Once upon a time there lived a woman who is insanly crazy.
She sees outrageous patterns on her bedroom walls.
During the day she is lazy.
When the sunsets she creeps and crawls.

Her husband found them another home and took her away.
She isolated herself inside her new home and felt comfty, spacious and roomy.
She looks at a woman on her walls throughout the night and sleeps during the day.
The husband thinks she is healed but emotionally she feels gloomy.

John, her husband loves her so.
And tries to make her mentally better.
What he does not know,
Is she still is the most selfish person, ever!

She hates looking at the color green.
The only color she wants to see through the walls are yellow.
The crazy lady believes the woman on her wall is quite but can be mean.
In reality the woman on the windows and walls is really her shadow.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Critical Response to "Sonny's Blues"

The short story "Sonny's Blues" basically, describes the integrity in a person. How one person can change everything. Sonny had a real tough childhood. He took life for granted and did not care who he was affecting including his older brother. Sonny never had a plan for his future. He just went with his life as it was happening. he pushed people away that wanted to help him which was his older brother.
Living in the projects as an African-American in Harlem is no walk in the park. That is why Sonny has such a stand off personality. He can not trust anyone accept his music. He relies on his music to get him through anything. Sonny plays his music to escape his life. Sonny is a different person when he is playing his piano. He is intrigued with the person he becomes when his fingers touch the keys.
Sonny's father was a serious man. Throughout Sonny's childhood his father taught him that life is dangerous and that nothing in this world is safe. His father makes it clear to Sonny and his older brother in the story when he says, "Safe, hell! Ain't no place safe for kids, nor nobody." To Sonny, it sent a message that one should trust no one. His father was stubborn and wanted to move away from the projects probably because he was afraid. When Sonny's life was not going well he ran away from his problems. For instance he started to be a musician and use his music as an escape route, joined the navy, became addicted to drugs and then was sent to jail for using drugs. he never let anyone get close to him that is why he did the things he did.
Sonny's mother told his older brother to make sure always watch Sonny because he needs someone to trust. But his older brother tried and Sonny kept putting up his guard of lack of trust for others. One evening, Sonny finally became vulnerable towards his older brother. He specifically made it clear to his brother by saying, "And other times- well, I needed a fix, I needed to clear a space to listen- and I couldn't find it, and I- went crazy, I did things to me, I was terrible for me." Then Sonny asked his brother if he wanted to go see him play his piano at a bar later that night. His brother agreed but was not looking forward to it. When he finally saw Sonny take the stage he realized that this was Sonny's calling, what Sonny was good at and what Sonny wanted for himself. Sonny's brother could not have bee more happier for his brother.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sadie Bards

I am Sara Bardsley. I am from Brighton Michigan. I am nineteen years old. I am the oldest in my family and I have a little sister. I have one dog and her name is oreo. I am a sophomore in college but this is my first year at Western Michigan. I have been in cheerleading for 6years. I use to be a cheerleader for Western. I am deathly allergic to cats and dislike them very much. I am really close with my mom and we have the same birthday. I am majoring in SPED elementary teacher for cognitvly impaired.